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Delhi Development Plan

DDA has made a remarkable change in the land acquisition policy by approving land pooling policy in March. The policy was cleared by the Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung. Click here to read more.

Delhi New Zones Map

Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is set to unleash in the next few years in the Capital. About 20 lakh residential units will come up on the outskirts of the Capital on about 24,000 hectares of land that will be developed, READ MORE...

New Delhi Master Plan 2021

New Delhi Master Plan 2021 has allocated 277 sq km for future urbanization by 2021. In the last fifty years, DDA has acquired 75,609.84 hectares and developed it for residential, recreational, commercial and institutional purposes. READ MORE...

Mr. Balvinder Kumar, IAS, Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority (DDA)

Mr. Balvinder Kumar, IAS, Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority (DDA),Guest of Honour, sharing his vision about the Land Pooling Policy of DDA in Conference organized by New India Initiative Foundation. READ MORE...

DDA Land Pooling Policy Got Approvals On Regulations to Operationalize

DDA has approved the regulations for operationalisation of this land pooling policy wherein public private partnership in land assembly and its development has been envisaged. READ MORE...

Tuesday 24 March 2015

DDA L Zone - All About It

DDA L Zone has emerged as new sought after real estate destination in Delhi NCR in last few days. Both real estate investors as well as end users are eying on DDA’s L Zone, Delhi to invest or have their dream home.
In all this hustle-bustle, a lot of questions must be there like :
  • What is DDA L Zone and Where is it?
  • Land Pooling Policy !! What is it ?
  • Should one put his/her money in it ?
Lets know all about it:

What is L zone and were is it?
"L Zone, Delhi" is located in South-West Delhi and spread across 22,840 hectare of land. It is located in very close proximity to Dwarka Sub City and Gurgaon. It also enjoys well connectivity and closeness to IGI Airport. DDA is developing it in order to meet the growing need of residential apartments in Delhi.
DDA, under its Master Plan 2021 has divided Delhi into 15 Zones for development. L Zone is one of them as the largest zone as well the zone with proposed 1st Smart City of Delhi NCR. Its strategic connectivity to IGI, Gurgaon, Dwarka expressway and Dwarka Sub City gives it an edge too.

Land Pooling Policy, what is it ?
Under land pooling policy, land owners can surrender their land holding into central pool and be a stakeholder to the development proposed on their land. Once the land is pooled, the land owner would get back 40-60% of total land surrendered as developable land. DDA would have remaining area for development of roads, drainage, sewerage and other civic amenities. Once developed, the developers/housing societies will be allowed to start their construction plans.
Land pooling policy has been approved by the Gazette Notification no. 2076 dated 6th Sep 2013, and process of surrender and approval of individual project is awaited.
Read More Here

Should one put his/her money in DDA L Zone ?
L Zone, Delhi is a very good opportunity for both home buyers as well as investors as its in early stage of planning. Home buyers can avail early bird opportunity and can own their residential apartment in this premium location that too at affordable price. The investors can also look ahead for greater returns from their investments.
It seems to be the right time to invest in L Zone under the DDA Master plan 2021, however one should keep in mind that actual implementation of the plans on ground may take some time. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So, With a willingness to wait for some years for the investment to grow, real estate investors can get remarkable return on their investments.

In brief : DDA L Zone is a happening to be a highly sought after residential zone in the coming five years. It is emerging as most sought after real estate investment destination in Delhi and if any time is the ideal time to invest in property in DDA L zone, the time is now.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

DDA Land Pooling Policy Got Approvals on Regulations to Operationalize

The regulations for operationalisation of land pooling policy which envisages public private partnership in land assembly and its development has been approved by the DDA, the urban body today said.
This policy will enable urban development in a speedy way where the role of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will be that of a facilitator, the housing authority said.
The details of the policy can be viewed on DDA's official website.
The Master Plan of Delhi 2021 envisages development of about 24,000 hectares of land for accommodating additional 48 lakh population in the national capital by the year 2021.

The policy has been notified by the Union government on September 5 last year, and will be applicable in the areas of South West and North West of the Delhi government.
"DDA in its meeting held on 7.11.2014 has approved the regulations for operationalisation of this land pooling policy wherein public private partnership in land assembly and its development has been envisaged," the DDA said in a statement.
"This policy has been evolved based on the principles of the equality and involvement of the participants in urban development even if their land is falling in the green or road infrastructure or other areas where this land policy shall be applicable," it said.
This land policy is outcome of the planning efforts in the last 10 years which empowered the public for their participation in the city development process, it said.
The regulations for this policy have been worked out in consultation with the stakeholders, general public and to have a wider participation, these were put up on the DDA website for inviting suggestions in the month of January.

Source: ET

Monday 2 March 2015

Smart City of India - Delhi to be the First

Delhi will get the country’s first “smart city,” a truly global city, hav­ing all the latest and mod­ern amen­it­ies, and facil­it­ies that any other global city like London or San Francisco has. It will have world-class enter­tain­ment ven­ues like Disneyland or Universal Studios here.
Delhi would be the first smart city under Narendra Modi-led government’s plans to set up 100 such cit­ies across the country. The announce­ment came dur­ing an event organ­ized by the Delhi Development Authority. 
 DDA Vice Chairman Balvinder Kumar out­lined the plans for the smart city. The smart city would be a com­plete sub-city, which would be loc­ated in an area of 20 – 24 hec­tares, zoned out of Dwarka, Rohini and Narela, and will be equipped with latest tech­no­lo­gies and waste-management techniques. The smart city will have world-class infra­struc­ture, 24-hour power sup­ply, com­plete Wi-fi con­nectiv­ity, and employ green tech­no­logy and latest water con­ser­va­tion tech­niques like rain-harvesting and waste man­age­ment tech­niques, Kumar said.“Delhi is the heart of India and the first smart city would come up here. The city of Barcelona in Spain has also prom­ised tech­no­lo­gical sup­port to us in our effort in this dir­ec­tion,” Naidu said.“I saw the city of Barcelona, and apart from mod­ern build­ings, they have also pre­served their old archi­tec­ture. We also want to pre­serve our tra­di­tional archi­tec­ture that India is so richly endowed with, even as we embrace modernity.”

Source: India West

Smart City Delhi Pilot Plan - Starting from Three Locations

Three areas in Delhi would be taken up as models for developing the capital as a smart city. Government sources said Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has suggested a Lake City in Mayur Vihar-II, development of a land patch in Karkardooma in eastern part of the city and a greenfield project in outer Delhi.
The DDA has suggested the areas at a meeting that was attended by a delegation from Spanish government led by minister of trade Jaime Gracia-Legaz Ponce. Sources, who did not wish to be named, said Spanish government has shown keen interest to associate itself with making Delhi a smart city.


According to sources, the two brown field projects in east Delhi would fall under the plan of developing Transit-Oriented Development zones. TOD zones break away from the conventional model of city growth by creating a pedestrian-centric, open space where public transport is encouraged and every need from parks to hospitals and schools to groceries are brought within walking distance of one’s home. The Karkardooma smart city island will come up on 2.8 lakh sqm area while Lake City in Mayur Vihar will cover 80,000 sqm. DDA has said the greenfield smart city would be developed in an area of 20,000 hectares in outer Delhi.

Delhi Master Plan 2021 - DDA Approves Environment and Transport Chapters

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Monday approved the 'Environment and Transport' chapters of Master Plan for Delhi 2021 which includes transit-oriented development that seeks reduction in road congestion through less dependence on private vehicles and more on improved public transport system.
The revised Environment chapter envisages creation of a sustainable physical and social environment for improving quality of life as major objectives of the Master Plan for Delhi (MPD) 2021.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) being the highlight of the Transport chapter will facilitate people to live, work and seek entertainment in a zone that balances commercial and residential areas with an integrated network of smart transport facilities.
"TOD will be applicable within 500 m influence zone of the (centre line of) MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) corridors. The norms will facilitate more people to live, work and seek entertainment within walking distance of stations.
"This will also seek to balance/redistribute densities over the city along MRTS corridors," the DDA budget, passed by the Authority on Monday, said.
As per the norm, a maximum FAR (Floor Area Ratio) of 400 and a maximum density of 2,000 persons per hectare (PPH) is permissible for purposes of infrastructure planning, it said.


"Permissibility of mixed-use within all land uses will reduce car-dependency and reduce congestion on roads. It will also allow greater flexibility to the development to adapt to local context and market-based needs," the budget said.
The first TOD project at Karkardooma in east Delhi will be taken up and a memorandum of understanding between DDA and National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) which will be taking up the project on behalf of DDA was also approved in the meeting.
TOD norms allow for mix of incomes within communities with shared public spaces, greens, recreational facilities and amenities which will minimise gentrification and create more community-oriented development, it said.
Among other decisions taken by DDA on Monday was rationalisation of user conversion charges for old markets in Delhi, which will affect around 80 such markets like Sarojini Nagar Market, Khan Market, Green Park Extension, among others.
The Authority in its meeting approved the conversion charges to be reduced to 25 per cent of the difference between commercial rates and residential rates of the area.
"These charges which were earlier Rs. 89,094 per sqm of built-up area will get reduced to Rs. 22, 274 per sqm of built-up area," the DDA said in a statement.
These shopping-cum-residential area were constructed much before the Master Plan Delhi 1962 by real estate firm DLF.
Among other approvals made by the urban body is the transfer of building activities in respect of colonies to North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC).
"The building activities of de-notified area will be transferred to concerned Corporation, which is North Delhi Municipal Corporation," DDA said.
The colonies which fall in these development areas are -- Mianwali Nagar, Paschim Puri, Nagin Lake Apartment, Ekta Enclave, SBI Colony, Shubham Enclave, Adarsh Apartments, among others.
The Budget was presented by the Finance Member, DDA Venkatesh Mohan. The budget expenditure for the year 2015-16 has been set at Rs. 9,000 crore approximately presenting a growth of 172 per cent over revised Estimate (RE) of 2014-15. This contrasts with growth rates of 50 per cent or so during the past year.
The housing authority said that its main activities during 2015-16 will be in the areas of construction of houses, development and disposal of lands, creation of infrastructure, expansion of greens and other miscellaneous activities.
The Budget also earmarked Rs. 750 crore in RE 2014-15 and Rs. 800 crore in BE 2015-16 for expansion of greens. Five sports complexes have also been envisaged, it said.
DDA has also earmarked grants to DMRC amounting to Rs. 313.50 crore each during RE 2014-15 and BE 2015-16.
A sum of nearly Rs. 360 crore has also been set aside towards maintenance fund for the first time in the context of Housing Scheme 2014. 


Smart City - Delhi On Way to be Smart City, Spain to Partner

Capital City - Delhi is on its way to be a smart city. A nine mem­ber del­eg­a­tion from Spain, led by Spanish Minister of State for Trade Jaime Garcia-Legaz Ponce had a detailed meet­ing with the Indian author­it­ies, dur­ing the week gone by, to dis­cuss the cre­ation of Delhi into a ‘Smart city’ with the help & assist­ance of experts from Spain. The Indian min­is­ter for Urban devel­op­ment Mr. M Venkaiah Naidu later con­firmed that they two del­eg­a­tions have reached an under­stand­ing the this effect.
This is fur­ther to the con­firm­a­tion of par­ti­cip­a­tion of the US experts for the devel­op­ment of Allahabad, Ajmer & Vishakhpatnam. Germany too has shown interest to contribute.
Ramesh Menon of Certes, an expert on the smart cit­ies avers that “this latest move makes ample sense to both sides, con­sid­er­ing the rel­at­ive slow down in the European eco­nomy, and the Indian apetite for invest­ments yield­ing higher returns.” The Spanish Ambassador in India, Gustavo de Aristegui Gonzalez said that it was an ‘excit­ing oppor­tun­ity’ for his coun­try to strengthen bilat­eral co-operation. The MoU between the two entit­ies would ini­ti­ate spe­cial focus for evolving the Delhi mas­ter plan for a ‘Smarter Delhi’.

Mr. Balvinder Kumar, IAS, the VC-DDA has already con­firmed that the DDA has iden­ti­fied the land par­cels to develop a green­field smart city, wherein Madrid would lend tech­nical expert­ise. It may also be recalled that the DDA has floated an RFP in the pre­ced­ing months seek­ing an advisor to DDA to soli­cit for­eign expert­ise. According to Mr. Naidu the UD min­is­ter, post the for­mu­la­tion of the mas­ter plan, Pan city & regional plans would be under­taken by the Spanish agencies.
Ramesh Menon also men­tioned that a French del­eg­a­tion, includ­ing Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and Sustainable Development & Energy Minister Segolene Royal also vis­ited the city for con­sulta­tions with Indian author­it­ies. Their areas of interest seems the clean energy ini­ti­at­ive & sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. They would also con­trib­ute towards the devel­op­ment of smart cit­ies & trans­port­a­tion infrastructure
